Dental Fillings
The up-to-date dental research allows us to use innovative and high-quality filling materials. With such sophisticated materials an individual adjustment to your personal requirements is possible today. The decision is up to you to apply a base supply or a tooth coloured, cosmetically almost perfect and hardly visible filling.
The Optimum for fillings – Ceramics
The most long-lasting is a ceramic inlay. It withstands extreme chewing forces with a the perfect aesthetic aspect. It's made either from full-ceramics or zirconia-ceramics.
Synthetic (composite & compomere) fillings – Dental Bonding
It is made up of a composite quartz resin and usually contains some sort of light sensitive agent. These light cured composites are extremely cosmetic and most often bonded into place in one appointment. For this reason, they are often referred to as "bonding". They can be used in both the front of the mouth as well as on your back teeth. These materials come in a variety of shades so that they will match the color of your own teeth. Some of these composite materials have been specifically designed to actually withstand the incredible forces you can exert when chewing on your back teeth.