All-on-4™ for edentulous jaws is a revolutionary treatment procedure. The procedure, including placing the implants and placing the fixed temporary acrylic bridge is done in 4-6 hours. The temporary bridge is acrylic, the same material for regular dentures that is screwed onto the implants and thus is non-removable. After a period of osseointegration (when the bone attaches to the surface of the implants) a final bridge is made – the NobelProcera Implant Bridge that is zirconia-ceramics, titanium-ceramic or titanium-acrylic. It is a very cost-effective procedure.
The All-on-4™ is based on Nobel Biocare's pioneering Immediate Function capability.
Traditional All-On-4 procedure is performed through the usual surgical technique which includes incision and flap elevation. All-on-4 can now also be performed using NobelGuide.